Information to Consider Before Deploying a Data Capture System

by | Published on Sep 23, 2013 | Data Entry Services

Information to Consider Before Deploying a Data Capture SystemData capture systems are widely used in organizations which need to manage large amount of data as a part of their work process, for reducing manual labor, paperwork and costs associated with data management. For example, Electronic Data Capture (EDC) systems used for collecting clinical data help physicians to retrieve patient information easily. Educational institutions can maintain and access the records of their students efficiently using Student Data Capture System (SDCS). However, you can reap maximum benefits from such systems only if they are efficient and affordable. Here are some important things to consider when implementing a data capture system.

  • Thorough Understanding of Exact Purpose – You should clearly understand why you need a data capture system in your organization. For example, if you want a data capture system for inventory management, check whether you need real-time data. In such a case, your data capture system should have the ability to capture data from web. Be clear about who will develop the system, be using it, and calculating ROI (Return on Investment).
  • Have a Clear Idea about the Content – When you have a clear idea about the content that is coming to your system, you can determine what needs to be stored in repository and how end users can access the data efficiently and quickly. An efficient system can provide data capture in wide range of formats such as TIFF, PDF, XML, HTML, microfiche, microfilm, aperture cards and much more. Such systems can also capture data from multiple pages.
  • Customizable Capabilities – The data capture system that you implement should customizable to suit the growing needs of your organization. For example, if your organization has a diverse worker base, then the system should support multiple language data processing.
  • New Technologies – The latest technologies can always ensure high efficiency. This is also true of data capture systems. You can implement barcode data collection solutions for your system to capture data quickly and more accurately. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software can capture textual pages or hardcopies and convert them to digital machine-readable format automatically.
  • Secure File Handling – Some organizations may require offshore data capture. In such cases, there is a chance of losing documents. When you implement your data capture system, ensure that it can handle documents in a secure manner. Deploy secure tracking to trace offshore data capture.

Implementing an efficient data capture system in-house with due regard for all considerations can be complex and expensive. The best solution available is to get support from a professional data entry company offer advanced data capture systems to help businesses organize, store, search and retrieve information efficiently and affordably.

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