Writing an Ebook? How to Choose a Topic Which Readers Will Appreciate

by | Published on Nov 7, 2017 | Document Conversion / Scanning Services

Business EBookEBooks are an effective and empowering tool for converting prospects, and reliable eBook conversion services are available that help organizations to easily publish their own eBooks. Today with tighter budgets, organizations find it difficult to build loyalty and provide customers with added value. The best way to successfully deliver value to the customers is through digital educational materials. Writing eBooks and publishing them is an economic marketing method that adds value. However, choosing the right topic is crucial if your eBook is to be successful.

Choosing an Appropriate Topic

How do you decide on the right topic for your eBook? Here are some pointers.

  • The first consideration should be your audience. Who are you writing for? For this, you need to think about your ideal client, their gender, age, and job title. What are their challenges? For what solutions will they be coming to you? These considerations will help you identify the right topics to write on. For instance, if you are a plastic surgeon, your clients are men and women looking for safe and ideal solutions for their aesthetic concerns. Then you could choose to write eBooks focused on specific cosmetic procedures and their efficacy, cost involved and so on. You could introduce the devices you are using via an eBook and discuss their advantages.
  • You can talk to your sales/customer service team to learn about the questions customers most frequently ask. EBooks can be created to provide answers to those questions.
  • Talk to thought leaders in your niche. Find out what products, services or solutions they are interested in, and are talking about. You can learn about the latest trends or topics being discussed in your industry. Most importantly, these influencers can lead you to new research that might interest your audience. Social media is the best venue to connect with such thought leaders and influencers.
  • Testing before investing: If you are not sure whether the audience is not interested in a topic, then run a test. You can write a blog about the topic that you are not sure about and see how it performs compared to other blogs, or on social media. This will help you understand what the audience wants.
  • Identify the top performing content for your keywords: A tool, BuzzSumo, lets you enter your keywords and key phrases, and displays the most shared content for those terms. This tool also helps you gain information regarding topics that are trending as well as headlines towards which most readers are drawn.
  • Repurposing your content: Find out which of your previous content has performed well. Check your blogs, case studies, social content, webinars and other posts and see which piece of content received more views and downloads from your target audience. Once you have decided which content to use, think about how you can repurpose it and present it as a fresh piece.
  • Look out for gaps: Identify the gaps in your current marketing. If you are about to launch a new product but don’t have suitable supporting content, then consider the questions customers may ask, what their most pressing challenges are that you need to address, see what competitors are talking about and find out what could be the topic that you can use for your eBook.


The eBook Writing Process

Writing about what you love is not important. When you are a writing an informative or educational eBook, it is critical to keep in mind the target audience, their needs and wants. Identify what your users would love, why they should invest in your eBook, what would make them say yes. Focus on providing relevant and valuable information. Your eBook should be written in such a way that it presents a solution to a problem or provides the required guidance/information. You should be able to convince, educate and inform your audiences. Assuring the audience about the credibility of the eBook is essential; make sure to share your credentials and if necessary, add what others have to say about the topic you are discussing. Make sure that you do not overdo the eBook. This is because sometimes too much information can backfire and it can make your eBook overwhelming and unappealing.

If you have already invested in paper resources, a good document scanning company can help you with speedy and efficient eBook conversion. Follow the tips above to create eBooks that really convert and increase your revenue and brand image. At the end of your research, if you have arrived at several good topics, choose one to start with and keep the rest for your future projects.

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