What are the Mistakes to Avoid When Creating and Designing an Ebook?

by | Published on Mar 14, 2022 | Document Conversion / Scanning Services

According to a recent Technavio research report, the ebook market will see an incremental growth of USD 6.93 billion from 2020 to 2025, expanding at a CAGR of 7%. Ebook conversion companies play a significant role in the transformation of printed material into digital format and produce ebooks in various categories such as children’s books, education, medicine, fiction, politics, history, science and technology, government and more. There are many software tools available for creating ebooks. However, due to the many challenges involved in designing and producing electronic books, most authors, publishers, libraries, universities, corporations and other entities prefer to outsource their ebook conversion project to an experienced service provider.

A good ebook is one that provides excellent content in the right format for the target audience. It would come with features such as an eye-catching cover, a title that grabs attention, an about the author page, informative, relevant content with proper references, graphical representations and images, embedded links, social sharing options, and a call to action. In fact, following ebook best practices and avoiding certain design mistakes is essential to creating a quality product. Here are the 10 main ebook design blunders to watch out for:

  1. No page numbers: An ebook without page numbers can be very frustrating for the user, especially if it’s a textbook. Page navigation is a highly desirable feature that makes ebooks accessible. Page numbers allow the reader to mark a spot when looking for assigned reading in a book, or to cite some information found in the book. However, it’s important to keep in mind that certain ebook formats do not display page numbers.
  2. Poor quality images: Bad images include low resolution images, fuzzy images, and images without proper rights. Professional ebook conversion services will avoid this issue with image optimization. The size of the images files, resolution, and file type impact image quality. Experts will handle file size in a way that it does not affect its quality or informative value.
  3. Excessive use of color: Overuse of color can be a distraction and affect readability. It can also pose a problem for those who would like to print it. It is important to place a solid background of colors behind the text. A good option is to use a white background for text and a minimal amount of color.
  4. Boring cover design: Not making the cover unique and attractive is another design mistake. Eye-catching cover design and thumbnail images are among the best marketing tactics when it comes to ebooks. An expert will ensure that the cover is attractively designed with a striking visual that conveys the topic and drives people to explore the content.
  5. Typical or common layout: A lack of a unique layout can make an ebook seem boring. According to www.readabilityformulas.com, many ebooks use templates built into popular word processing software programs like Microsoft Word, which would result in similar typeface, type size, line spacing, and text alignment.  Layout, type, and color should be unique if you want your ebook to stand out in the crowd.
  6. Unsuitable typeface: Typeface options include serif, san serif and decorative. The decorative typeface should be avoided as it is suitable only where the image is more important than readability. Serif typeface like Times New Roman ideal for lengthy material.  Sans serif typefaces are legible, clean, and simple and generally used for headlines and subheads.
  7. Excessive use of centered text: As ebooks feature large blocks of content, using too much centered text would be a mistake. For readability and a professional look, stick to the left alignment of content.
  8. Improper font size: Not using the correct font size can affect readability. Avoid type sizes that are too large or too small. The best option is to use standard fonts and allow readers to choose their preferred size and style. Some experts recommend 12 point font size for body text and 14-18 points for chapter titles.
  9. Poor heading formats: Headings in an ebook help readers to make out which part of the book they are reading Headings should be distinct, larger than the paragraph and in bold case. Avoid setting headlines entirely in uppercase as they will take up more space and be hard to read.
  10.  Inappropriate spacing: There are many aspects when it comes to spacing in an ebook. Every entry such as letters, words and lines should be properly spaced. Not adjusting line and paragraph spacing in ebooks is a common mistake. Experts will ensure proper line spacing based on typeface, type size and line length. Correct paragraph spacing is also important. Each paragraph should be separated by visibly more space than lines within paragraphs. Correct spacing between paragraphs should also be ensured.

A reliable document conversion company will follow eBook best practices and make sure to avoid these errors. Experts can ensure a professionally designed ebook that your audience will want to read.

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