The Need for Digitization in the Accounting Industry

by | Published on Jan 10, 2017 | Document Conversion / Scanning Services

Digitization in Accounting IndustryWork desks filled with piles and piles of paper documents is a common sight in an accounting firm and it is easy to become inundated with various papers, forms and email attachments etc especially when tax season is around. To prevent clutter of papers in accounting firms it is important to digitize all accounting documents. This can be done with the support of digitization services that ensure safe and secure storage of documents and accounting document management.

Keeping Pace with the Digital Age

The improvement in technology has facilitated the process of digitization. Now scanners can transfer the documents directly to the clients themselves allowing flexibility in the software used and hardware purchased. The digital transformation in accounting firms improves the ability to access professional and personal data any time and from anywhere. It helps accountants to easily access online portals that allow document sharing, real time collaboration and online communication.

The rise of cloud storage has also brought rapid changes as to how documents are managed, and cloud-based storage and portal apps to store critical documents have become popular. In addition, the scanning hardware has evolved and become easy to use, reliable, mobile and also allows improved integration.

Typical Accounting Documents

Accounting firms rely on huge volumes of paper documents like:

  • Audit worksheets
  • IRS tax forms
  • Evidential documents
  • Bank statements
  • Proxy statements
  • Correspondence
  • Source documents
  • Advisory letters
  • Invoices
  • Receipts and Bills

Document scanning solutions help in organizing all types of documents accounting firms handle. These have become a vital part of an organization’s document management ecosystem, and no longer a standalone activity.

Providers of digitization services ensure timely scanning of accounting documents and storing the data in a structured form. This helps accountants to quickly extract the essential information and thereby improve efficiency and productivity.

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