Key Skills Employees Need in an Artificial Intelligence Workplace

by | Published on Mar 14, 2019 | Data Entry Services

While more and more enterprises including data entry companies are using some form of AI to improve their workflow by automating key processes, it is critical for businesses to prepare their workforce to be comfortable with these AI transitions. Certain skills are crucial for employees to adjust to such improvements. According to a report from Microsoft and International Data Corporation (IDC), adopting AI helps businesses with innovation, competitiveness, customer engagement, higher margins as well as productivity.

Artificial Intelligence

The report highlights that four in five business leaders in Asia Pacific believe that the advancing technology will transform the way their firms operate within the next three years. Even though most companies agree that AI is important for them to remain competitive, only 41 percent of the companies in the region have adopted this technology. However, it is noted that skill shortage is the key factor that stops companies from adopting AI technology. The report predicts that there will be a shortage of the three skills business leaders most needed, which include –

  • Digital skills
  • Analytical abilities, and
  • Continuous learning capabilities

According to employers, there is an urgent need for talents and tools to develop, deploy and monitor AI models, as major breakthroughs on AI and cognitive services come from any firm’s research and development team and other office sources. Though Asia Pacific is not yet ready for AI, it is estimated that by 2021, there will be an excess of traditional cognitive and manual skills in Asia Pacific, such as data entry, numeracy and communication, and mechanical skills.

Read our blog on benefits of artificial intelligence for businesses!

Skills Robots Cannot Master

While machines are now trained to perform a wide range of tasks and advanced robotics is used increasingly to perform manual tasks, certain human skills cannot be mastered by robots. Most employers consider soft skills as very important, but it is difficult to find people with these qualities. Doing what AI cannot do is going to get more value. In a work environment, soft skills such as better verbal and written communication, the ability to work in a team structure, decision making and problem solving, critical thinking as well as attention-to-detail skills are becoming more valuable than technology.

According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, teaching employees soft skills can improve productivity and retention by 12%, delivering a 256% return on investment (ROI). Organizations can develop such skills in their employees by

  • Teaching soft skills by making them a part of work environment
  • Building the behaviors employers want into their culture
  • Rewarding employees with soft skills such as leadership and analytical thinking
  • Hiring staff with diverse backgrounds that helps employees build empathy
  • Introducing a mentoring program to improve such soft skills

Humans + Machines = Greater Efficiency and Productivity

Humans supported by intelligent machines can improve growth in many industries. In today’s workplace, it would be ideal to make the machines do the computing works, while humans with interpersonal skills can take care of other tasks. For instance, when it comes to medical diagnosis, machines help with diagnosis, medical data entry and management. While machines do half the job, the doctor’s primary role is to convey the diagnosis and other details to the patients, and help them understand and accept it, and make them follow through with the treatment plan.

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