How Does Medical Document Scanning Help Improve Patient Care

by | Published on Dec 22, 2022 | Business Process Outsourcing, Document Conversion / Scanning Services

The healthcare sector is continually striving to keep up with technology advancements while maintaining patient privacy. Technology enables medical offices to operate efficiently while simultaneously raising the quality of treatment they offer. While digitizing paper based medical records may seem like a difficult undertaking, access to crucial medical information and data is expedited when they are scanned. Operational efficiency across healthcare facilities depends on the availability of data. Medical professionals can precisely track data in scanned medical records . Medical document scanning improves patient care, help healthcare organizations to perform their duties to the fullest potential in terms of patient safety, treatment outcomes, and administrative effectiveness. Medical record scanning services are a quick, easy, and affordable way to digitize paper records. Going paperless enables you to access patient records quickly, exchange and access patient data with other facilities, and guarantee patient confidentiality.

Learn more: Key Tips For Better Medical Record Keeping Using Medical Document Scanning Services

Challenges of Having Paper Based Medical Records

Paper-based medical records come with a number of direct and hidden costs:

  • Keeping physical patient records necessitates continual expenditures for supplies like paper, printers, copiers, and ink.
  • Human errors, floods, or fire can ruin paper records.
  • Physical records need to be stored on-site, which might sometimes demand an entire wing of the medical establishment
  • Paper-based document processing and storage require more staff to manage and also increase workload

The costs associated with maintaining paper records can be significantly decreased by digitizing them, while also increasing the security of the patient data. It is estimated that larger facilities can save between $37 million and $59 million by implementing digital record keeping within 5 years. If document management takes up a disproportionate amount of their annual expenditure, smaller facilities might even see better returns. Despite the obvious advantages of digitizing their records i, many medical facilities are hesitant to make the change. They feel that document scanning requires a large amount of resources, particularly man hours. Outsourcing document scanning is a cost-effective way to ease the transition from paper-based to electronic records.

Different Ways Medical Document Scanning Improves Patient Care

Document scanning companies digitize medical records using high-end technologies. Patient outcomes, safety, and the quality of care are all improved by electronic medical records. Accurate and easily accessible digital records decrease medication errors and enhance interactions and communication between healthcare professionals, patients, and others involved in the patient’s care.

  • Easier to retrieve scanned medical records: To offer the best care and guidance, a doctor needs access to all of the patient’s medical records. With scanned records, physcians can easily access information about the patient’s health, including family history, insurance information, daily drugs, prior medical history, surgeries, and lifestyle details, which can support the provision of comprehensive care. Digitization increases physician productivity by reducing the time and effort required to retrieve paper records and making digital records easier to access than paper ones.
  • Eases patient data sharing: Medical specialists usually work together to diagnose or treat severe diseases. It is easier and faster for multi-specialty groups to collaborate when medical records are scanned. Consider a diabetic patient who experiences erratic blood sugar levels and a persistently high HBA1C. All bodily systems are impacted by diabetes. Access to the patient’s data is important so that each specialist can add their notes to the medical history. Digitized records support collaborative care.
  • Allow for better monitoring of drug interactions and allergies: Prior to deciding on a course of treatment, drug allergies must be taken into account. Some allergies have a long-lasting effect. Before prescribing a course of treatment, the doctor must also take drug interactions into account. Scanned records that are simple to retrieve keep healthcare providers informed about drug interactions and allergies.
  • Improved patient compliance and communication: A patient needs to comprehend his or her condition and relate to the medical care provided. Patient access to digital medical records is improved via mobile apps or the web portal of the healthcare provider. Particularly in situations that call for lifestyle modifications, such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, and neurological problems, a well-informed patient adheres better to the prescribed medications.
  • Enhanced data security: Every document retention policy has security precautions, and once you start scanning your files, those precautions get much better. Once files are uploaded to the EHR, they are encrypted, and access can be restricted to only those who need full access to critical patient data.
  • Compliance with HIPAA regulations: The volume of paper documents handled by healthcare professionals is enormous. They must meticulously maintain these records in order to provide good patient outcomes, including sensitive patient information, lab test reports, and prescription plans. They must also adhere to stringent HIPPA rules regarding the handling and storage of patient data. Choosing an experienced document scanning service provider will ensure that your digitization project conforms with HIPAA regulations.

Medical document scanning improves patient care, increases efficiency , and enhances workflow. Make sure to do your research well to find a competent medical record scanning service to digitize your documents.

Managed Outsource Solutions is a leading global business process outsourcing companies that helps healthcare organizations in medical record scanning. Call our toll free number (800) 670-2809 to discuss document scanning needs.

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