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Medical Document Scanning Services

MOS medical records scanning comes with several benefits

Document Scanning
Paper based medical records are difficult to manage and take up a lot of storage space. Are you a healthcare facility implementing electronic health record (EHR) system? Scanning of paper-charts, notes, lab records, X-rays and medical records for your practice, clinic or your hospital. Managed Outsource Solutions (MOS) offers efficient, affordable, and secure medical document scanning services to convert medical records and other medical documents. We can do that offsite or onsite (at your office).

We can scan medical documents and store them in your system, ensuring that authorized users can access accurate patient information quickly and securely.If you need us to store them for you we can do that as well. By converting all your medical records into digital files, you can save time and free up your staff.

MOS medical records scanning comes with several benefits –

Allows instant retrieval of information

Eliminates risks of misfiling/accidental loss of records

Easy transfer/sharing of files between departments

Saves storage space and costs ( we can provide repositories)

Streamlines patient processes and quality of care

Protects patient health information

Based on your requirements, we can even index the digitized medical documents for easy and instant retrieval. Have them indexed with search parameters for data analysis.

Check out our Free Trial Offer!

HIPAA-compliant Medical Records Scanning Services

As one of the leading document scanning companies, we are equipped with HIPPA compliant state-of-the-art advanced technology including high speed scanners, large size scanners, and film/fiche scanners. Our imaging systems, FTP Servers, and QC Stations are always updated with the newest version of software and scanning connectivity devices. After scanning medical records, we check for flaws and correct them before indexing and storing the files in the required format to integrate with your document management system. We offer comprehensive document scanning services to digitize all types of paper-based medical records:

Hipaa-compliant Medical Records Scanning Services


Patient files






Patient charts


Physician notes


Lab reports



Hipaa-compliant Medical Records Scanning Services


Billing information




Medical orders


Referrals from other physicians


EOBs or patient billing


Other imaging results

Our HIPAA-compliant medical document scanning service ensures the confidentiality and security of your patients’ protected health information (PHI).

What Makes Us Unique

24/7 technical support

Stringent quality assurance

Improved turnaround time

Experienced technicians

Secure file delivery options

Dedicated project manager and support

Separate department dedicated to onsite scanning projects

We provide excellent medical records scanning service at competitive rates. With MOS, you save 30 to 40% on your operational costs.

To learn more about our medical document scanning services, call our toll-free number 1-800-670-2809.

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