What Are the Different Industries That Have Embraced Digitization?

by | Published on Jun 2, 2020 | Document Conversion / Scanning Services


Digital transformation has changed the way how industries function. From retails to manufacturing and from hospitality to life sciences, business operations have changed drastically and it also creates an opportunity for innovation of products, services and experiences being delivered to the market across all industries. Digitization with the support of a document scanning company helps to automate and streamline business processes and thereby improve productivity and efficiency of the business. Moreover, it provides visibility and control of business processes and product innovation from idea to design, all the way through production and customer support.

Digital transformation is the use of new tech to modify key business processes and even existing services. There are a variety of technologies that companies are currently using with digital strategies. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things are at the forefront of the push for digitization.

Industries Embracing Advanced Technology

According to an article by exchange, here are some of the industries that are likely to adopt more advanced technologies and digitize their data in 2020.

  • Manufacturing: With Industry 4.0, factories and manufacturing units are likely to adopt new advanced technology, IoT platforms and devices like robotics etc for improving power processing and data storage. To handle the rapid and constant transfer of data, factories require robust networks and telecommunications. Similarly, data centers also need new technologies that will work with vast volumes of data and to work with complex IoT networks.
  • Sports: Compared to other industries, the sports industry has lagged behind in the process of digitization. But now there is a change in this industry and researchers are increasingly interested in looking for ways to apply digitization to the industry. They are primarily updating business processes and taking advantage of some of the benefits. They are also focusing on data collection using IoT devices and other personalized offers and targeted advertising that incorporates viewer information pulled from phones and smart TVs.
  • Oil and gas: Oil and gas industry has switched to digitization and they are adopting new digital tools such as better sensors, new IoT devices and advanced business data platforms. These advanced technologies can streamline business by standardizing and digitizing data that may have otherwise been organized and updated by hand. It also helps to improve oil exploration and enable the industry to exploit new sources of fossil fuels. Data centers serving clients in oil and gas have to prepare for real-time analysis of various types and sources of information. Center administrators will have to be ready to face the challenges that come with digitization in other industries.
  • Healthcare: In 2020, digitization will impact how healthcare keeps it data organized. Over the years, healthcare has been struggling with a major digital shift. Even small practices have switched to digitization with the objective of centralizing and standardizing medical records so that they can be organized, monitored and analyzed using EHR. By this year, we can also expect a widespread adoption of AI-powered health technology. As the healthcare industry requires more storage facility for keeping data, administrators will focus on restructuring their data storage and adopting more advanced tools.
  • Transportation: Advancements in autonomous driving tech using IoT networks like managing environmental conditions inside trucks carrying sensitive cargo etc will be some of the biggest changes in 2020 that demand more from data centers. To store these data and coordinate vast numbers of individual devices, there will be a need for improved computing power and data center technology.

Three Industries That Are about to Undergo 5G-powered Revolution

Last year 5G was launched in China and South Korea and now it has reached the US also. The early adoption of this technology is yielding maximum benefits and going to accelerate further. According to Qualcomm, 5G will boost global GDP by $3 trillion and create more than 22 million jobs by 2035. 5G has countless applications to empower the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, robotics, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and much more. With 5G, connected devices can respond to their changing environment and make quick and real-time decentralized decisions. So here are three industries that are already using these technologies and how we can expect to see 5G speed up adoption.

  • Healthcare: Healthcare was one of the last industries to adopt digitization and innovation but today they are embracing 5G-powered revolution. It helps healthcare professionals to quickly transmit huge image files, enhance AR and VR technologies, expand telemedicine capabilities and monitor patients remotely. Another advantage of using 5G is that it will enable healthcare professionals to perform remote surgeries. In China, a stimulation device was inserted in the brain of a Parkinson’s patient from nearly 2,000 miles away with 5G. 5G provides a whole new opportunity for the healthcare industry to expand their capabilities and increase the quality and speed of patient care.
  • Automotive: With 5G, the automotive industry will accelerate in autonomous driving. Self-driving cars that can think for themselves, broadcast their location, speed and direction, will be able to talk to each other using 5G. This will give the cars the ability to merge into lanes, take turns at stop signs, or even create platoon to squeeze more cars on the road. Low latency from 5G will ensure that passengers have a safe drive as cars will react to potential threats immediately as they process data in real-time. 5G will also speed up innovation in automotive, as access to data will be faster and edge computing moves computing closer to the vehicle.
  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing plants are in the fourth stage on Industrial Revolution where they rely on digital technology and network connection to boost their operations. Many manufacturing plants have started operating smart factories with advanced technologies like IoT and AR, and 5G only promises to make these more powerful. As per Huffington Post, 82 percent of US companies using smart factories reported an increase in efficiency and 49% reported lower product defects. With 5G, people will be able to use AR to solve problems faster and with AR, troubleshooters need not trawl through instruction documents. 5G provides strong, reliable connections that provide huge potential for robotics.

Today digitization is transforming business models, policy landscape and social norms. Automation, optimization, autonomy of processes as well as more flexibility and individuality of products and services are just some of the benefits and opportunities of digitization. A strong strategy is crucial for achieving real advantage for organizations. Having all the latest technology and machinery is not enough for digitization; a proper strategy or foundation that supports digital transformation, reviews the entire business model and adjusts accordingly is more important. Implementing digital transformation is still a major concern for businesses if not executed properly. A reliable document scanning company can provide the support businesses need to adopt digital transformation and improve efficiency and productivity.

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