5 Key Things that Businesses Should Know about Data Cleansing

by | Published on Apr 23, 2020 | Data Entry Services

Key Things That Businesses Should Know About Data Cleansing

As enterprises largely rely on data to make informed decisions, having clean data is crucial. With the steady movements towards a knowledge-based economy, businesses need clean data to run their operations. Poor data or outdated data can lead to inaccurate analysis and create security concerns or even harm your business campaign and reputation, leading to financial losses. Data quality can improved by opting for the data cleansing services provided by a data entry company.

Data cleansing refers to the process of verifying all of the data within a data base and removing or updating information that is inaccurate, incomplete, duplicated, irrelevant or improperly formatted. Businesses require clean data to make better business decisions and reach target audiences. Quality data also helps to improve efficiency and productivity.

However, inaccurate data is a major concern for many businesses, which can cause huge damage to their operations. According to an article by Experian:

  • 29% of companies believe that their current customer or prospect data is inaccurate in some way
  • 89% of companies face challenges in how they manage data
  • 95% of organizations see impacts in their organization from poor data quality

Here are five things that you should know about the importance of having clean data:

  • Bad data is not good for business: With inaccurate data, your marketing teams will not be able to reach to the right audiences and provide them right service. But with clean data they can get access to target audience’s contacts, leads, their preferences etc. With the right data, you can implement an effective marketing campaign and meet your customers’ expectations by aligning the marketing strategies with the buyer’s journey.
  • Clean data helps business to grow: Clean data contributes to improved conversion rates, better workflow and improved sales. Clean data provide for better communication among and within teams, which will improve the efficiency and productivity of your business.
  • Duplication of data can jeopardize your business: Duplication of data can waste tour valuable time. With duplicate records, you could be sending multiple contact points to your database, which can result in unsubscribes and spam. Duplication of data can be addressed using data cleansing tools. These automated tools analyze raw data in bulk.
  • Clean data builds trust: With bad data, it becomes difficult to trust a system or data base. Moreover, if customers find wrong dates when they are in the buying process, it can lead to loss of trust. Clean data build trust among your team as well as with your customers and potential customers, and boosts your brand’s reputation.
  • Cleansing data is a simple process: Cleaning data is not a difficult task. It is a simple process that involves transforming inconsistent, raw data into actionable data. Cleansing the data provides uniformity in data sets that allows business to make better business decisions. Similarly, storing these data carefully and monitoring the quality of incoming data is also essential for your business to grow.

Quick tips to clean data:

  • Have a data quality plan: Create data quality key performance indicators (KPIs) and develop a plan to keep your data clean by finding out where the most data quality concerns occur and identifying the root cause of inaccurate data.
  • Standardization and normalization of data: Standardizing and normalizing data will ensure that the consistency of data throughout the database.
  • Verification and validation of data: Verify records and match them against up-to-date sources of information to validate the details and ensure accuracy.
  • Update data: Identifying missing details and updating this information is important to ensure that the data is reliable.

In a competitive world, organizations have to constantly update their database in order to maintain integrity, validity and add value to their ongoing business process. It’s crucial for them to have a database that is clean, accurate and consistent. An established data cleansing company can ensure valid and accurate data so that enterprises can achieve their business goals with ease. Outsourcing the data cleansing task not only saves time and money but can also ensure help businesses improve overall operational efficiency.

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