Suprabook Makes Legal Documentation Easier with Digitization

by | Published on Sep 27, 2019 | Document Conversion / Scanning Services

In today’s resource-driven, high-profile legal cases, the ability to search and quickly retrieve critical information can be worth thousands of dollars. Scanning and managing voluminous client files requires the experience and specialization that is characteristic of a professional document scanning company. Document scanning of valuable documents into digital format is an ideal way to save, store and protect critical records. A number of law firms are now moving towards digitization of their records. This shift from paper documents to electronic ones improves the efficiency and flexibility of lawyers and attendants. Here are the major advantages of a digital law office.

Documentation Easier with Digitization

  • Quick access and easy storage: Digitizing legal records ensures better data management and quick access to data at anytime from anywhere in the world. It allows digital forms to be customized to the last detail. The forms can be searched online and the information and accompanying files can be stored in the cloud, which is much more economical than storing a large number of paper documents.
  • Better security: Some believe that paper documents are the safest mode of storing data as no one can hack a filing cabinet. But paper documents come with several other disadvantages such as loss of paper documents due to theft, fire or any other natural calamity. Moreover, it takes up huge work space in legal firms. However, digital files can be encrypted and stored safely in a cloud system or database or in any storage device. Cloud system is one of the safest methods of storing because of its multiple backups in multiple locations for quicker data recovery in case of any catastrophic event. It ensures safety using encryption or other safety measures to safeguard sensitive data.
  • Streamlining process: Digitization helps to streamline workflow in law firms. For example, if your clients need to sign contracts or waivers, they can be given in digital form rather than asking for printouts and delivering it etc. Today many digitization services also provide built-in sign capture that makes signing easy and convenient. It also validates the submitted form and maintains the same high legal standards imposed on paper documents. This is also the reason why many law firms are starting to consider digitization.

SupraBook Digitizes Legal Documents

SupraBook, the first app designed for lawyers to build, review, and share case binders digitally, was established in 2017 by Okiror and his brother Simon, who serves as chief marketing officer. Okiror said that after six years of practicing law, he decided to step down, and focus on SupraBook full time. The company graduated from the Beta.MN incubator program in April and in June 2019, it became one of the 12 companies on this year’s Duke Law Tech Lab accelerator cohort. Suprabook’s app allows lawyers to access and import legal case files, annotate, highlight and bookmark sections of documents, download their work so they can access it without internet connection and then share the modified documents with associates.

To provide this facility they had to first digitize all case files. Earlier, the legal documents were digitized and then printouts were taken to study the case but with Suprabook, it has become easier for law firms and attorneys. For this initiative, the company raised $250,000 from friends and family and is currently in the process of raising a $500,000 seed round. SupraBook has around 100 active users since its launch in May. The company plans to eventually charge about $50 per month for its service. The company claims that they could save 12, 000 sheets of paper and $20,700 per lawyer each year.

A professional document scanning service company will have trained and skilled employees who can efficiently convert huge volumes of data. They use advanced technological equipment that guarantees excellent image quality and they also ensure confidentiality of client’s data.

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