Significance of Data Backup in the Event of Natural Disasters

by | Published on Feb 9, 2017 | Data Entry Services

Data BackupAs a data entry company providing assistance to diverse clients, we know how important data security is, and why it is vital for every organization to have a good disaster recovery plan. Data loss can be caused by natural disasters, equipment failure or man-made events such as hacking, malware or user error. Data recovery plans must be flexible as well as scalable to address a wide range of data loss scenarios.

The primary and most failsafe method of preparing for data recovery are data backups. This involves making backup copies of all information contained in your computers so that your information is safe in case an adverse event occurs. It serves two purposes:

  • To restore a computer to an operational state following an untoward event (also called disaster recovery).
  • To recover information files after they have been deleted or corrupted (also called data recovery).

Importance of a Disaster Recovery Plan

The importance of disaster recovery cannot be overstated. Regardless of industry, when unforeseen events occur and bring all the day-to-day activities to a halt, an organization needs to recover as quickly as possible and continue to provide services to the clients. From data security breach to natural disaster, having a disaster recovery plan is essential or else it can put the organization at the risk of high financial costs, reputation loss, and even greater risks for clients.

Let us consider the importance of having an efficient data backup plan with specific focus on the agricultural sector. Agricultural producers often fall victims to natural disasters such as floods which wreak havoc and cause considerable loss. In such instances, they may have to claim insurance reimbursement or compensation for their losses. These are instances when data becomes very significant. They need to have documentation to prove the extent of assets they owned and the losses incurred. Appropriate documentation proof will help to speed up the insurance claims process after a natural disaster.

When Hurricane Matthew threatened South Carolina, agricultural producers needed be sure that all their documents were safe. In the face of such adverse natural developments, they will have to maintain updated inventories of all business and personal possessions. This will help to prove the value of any assets that are damaged or destroyed.

  • The inventory comprises a description of each item, including model and serial numbers, the cost and also info regarding when the items were bought among other relevant details.
  • It would be ideal if there are photos or videos to substantiate the inventory.
  • Inventories can be maintained in both digital and printed forms. Up-to-date copies should be kept in a secure place.
  • Valuable documents should be kept in fireproof and watertight file boxes. Cloud storage after scanning these documents is a practical and foolproof alternative.

Documents to Be Kept Safe

Here is the list of valuable content that agricultural producers need to keep digitized and safe:

  • Crop and livestock sales and purchase records
  • Copies of insurance policies
  • Income tax returns
  • Certificates of stocks and bonds
  • Patents and copyrights
  • Contracts including promissory notes
  • Important receipts and bills of sale
  • Supporting documents for the years when there has been large business deals, deductions or unusual losses
  • Social security cards
  • Passports
  • Marriage certificates
  • Automobile titles and bills of sale
  • Copies of wills
  • Medical and immunization records
  • Power of attorney, living wills and trust agreements

Valuable documents that can be kept at home in watertight and fire proof boxes are:

  • Safe deposit box key
  • List of emergency numbers
  • Rental property records
  • Guarantees and warranties
  • Loan payment book
  • Copies of insurance policies
  • Appliance manuals
  • Employee benefits
  • Social security and driver’s license numbers
  • Copies of vaccination records and veterinary records
  • Bank account number, loan, investment and credit card numbers
  • List of logins and passwords to access accounts made on various websites

Scanning these important records and keeping them safe in any storage device or in cloud storage ensure safety of the records at the time of any natural disaster. A good document scanning company can provide hosting facility to store all your valuable documents in an organized database, and enable a workflow environment that is available to you and others who need access. You can quickly search and retrieve information at the touch of a button. You can recapture valuable office space as well as enjoy cost savings in retrieving vital data.

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