How to Secure Your Business from Data Breaches

by | Published on Sep 14, 2020 | Business Process Outsourcing

Data Breaches

There just is so much data that organizations deal with, which is why data management and compatibility have become significant concerns. That’s why you have outsourced solutions such as data processing services and comprehensive business process outsourcing that can enable you to manage all that data and use it to your advantage.

With the march of technology, particularly connected tech and remote communication, the threat of potential data loss has also come to light. Data breaches can happen anywhere, and in any part of the process. Once breaches happen, they can be quite a messy affair with even legal implications, not to mention the loss of trust your customers could have in your business.

Technology comes to the rescue here too, with advanced encryption, password protection and other solutions offered through third party technology. Still, there are some measures that companies must consciously take on their own, to ensure the threat of data breaches is minimized. Let’s go through these suggestions.

Investigate the Location of Your Sensitive Data

What you need to do first is to find out where the sensitive part of your data is located. It’s not just where that data is stored, but also where it is processed and how it is used. Of course, you need this information for carrying out periodic risk assessment. It would also help you if you need to dispose of the data. These actions are necessary for fulfilling regulatory requirements too.

Define the Most Sensitive Data in Your Organization

You also need to clearly classify and define what part of your data must be given extra protection, as well as define the protection methods that must be used. There are various tools available for data protection. These can help you identify the various data elements so you can decide on the right method of protection.

Reducing the volume of data that is processed, as far as possible, can also minimize risk. The lesser the data, the lesser the time and effort required to secure it, not to mention reduced costs.

Limiting Employee Access to Sensitive Data

Make sure you limit the access your employees have to sensitive data. It does help to define access policies. The more you limit access, the lower the possibility of attacks and vulnerability. With a model providing central access, real time access policies can be put in place.

Keeping Logs of Data Access

Whenever sensitive data is accessed, it is important to record the access. You should always maintain logs of activities done with the sensitive data. They can help you detect any malicious activity or potential breaches. When investigating such breaches, access logs can provide information about potential sources of the breach. Following the central access model helps your company to access every time-sensitive data which can in turn help you to create an audit trail that is detailed.

Conduct Periodic Security Reviews

Reviews of data security need to be conducted periodically to ensure that your data is well protected. These reviews can point out any breaches in security, so you can take the necessary steps before a major violation. You need to prevent any such scenarios from rising out of proportion. This is particularly crucial when you are bringing about changes in the work processes or the organizational structure of your company. Physical relocation of your company or a merger with another company are events that demand a detailed assessment.

Research and Select Security Solutions that Work for You

You need to carry out a great deal of research on the solutions offered by various security vendors, so you can select the one that can really fit into the structure and processes of your organization while offering unparalleled security. Customization makes a world of difference here.

The right solution can improve the security prospects of your company, with a significantly reduced risk of breaches. This, in turn, will reduce your costs of compliance while giving you peace of mind. The right security solutions and access protocols don’t slow down workplace performance, but rather help in the smooth functioning of the company. Efficiency is directly influenced by advanced BPO services that also include data conversion and data mining services.

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