2019 National Hurricane Preparedness Week – May 5 to 11

by | Published on May 6, 2019 | Document Conversion / Scanning Services

It is now time to prepare for the 2019 hurricane season. Hurricanes, no doubt can pose the greatest threat to life and property.Taking the right safety measures is most important at this time. Most business organizations rely on document scanning companies to protect their valuable documents from hurricanes. Each year, the National Weather Service (NWS) observes a week close to this season as Hurricane Preparedness Week. For 2019, the National Hurricane Preparedness Week is set for May 5 to 11. Themes as well as resources for each day of the week will help you prepare for the fast-approaching hurricane season. This week coincides with the annual Hurricane Awareness Tour, which will take place this year at five coastal and inland U.S. cities in the East.
2019 National Hurricane Preparedness Week - May 5 to 11
As the last two years have witnessed hurricanes such as Harvey, Irma and Florence causing death and destruction in the U.S., it is critical for individuals and businesses to stay prepared to avoid any hazards during this hurricane season.

Daily Themes for 2019 Hurricane Preparedness Week

  1. May 5, Sunday – Determine Your Risk

Hurricane threats may vary depending on your location.Based on the hazards that occurred in the previous season and what types of wind and water hazards could happen, assess and take steps to protect your home and family from a potential land-falling tropical storm or hurricane.

  1. May 6, Monday – Develop an Evacuation Plan

Check whether you are living in a hurricane evacuation zone. If yes, plan where you would go and make a plan route on how to go to that safe area. Make sure to follow the evacuation orders and make a written evacuation plan.

  1. May 7, Tuesday – Assemble Disaster Supplies

Make sure you have enough supplies for all the family members for at least one week.Consider storing non-perishable food, water and medicine for each person in your family. Also take extra cash, batteries, phone chargers and flashlights. Store enough water too and gas up your vehicles.

  1. May 8, Wednesday – Get an Insurance Checkup

Check whether you are insured for a hurricane so that you can repair or even replace your home after this season, if necessary. Remember to obtain hurricane insurance separately, as homeowners’ insurance doesn’t cover flooding.

  1. May 9, Thursday – Strengthen Your Home

Do what you can to protect your home from strong hurricane winds and other hazards, based on local hurricane building code specifications. Consider strengthening your garage doors and boarding up the windows and doors with proper plywood, steel or aluminum panels.

  1. May 10, Friday – Help Your Neighbor

Try helping your neighbor before and after the hurricane. Before the hurricane approaches, assist them in collecting their supplies and planning their evacuation. Also after the storm, consider helping them with check-in.

  1. May 11, Saturday – Complete a Written Plan

A written plan will help you avoid any mistakes in protecting your family from storm winds. Make sure to keep your confidential documents safe. If you have a number of valuable documents to protect, consider bulk document scanning services from experienced firms to digitize your documents and keep them safe from flood and winds.

The National Weather Service recommends that while the storm is in your area,listen to NOAA Weather Radio or other radio or TV stations for the latest storm news and stay prepared to evacuate if you are given orders.

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