Key Steps to Make the Healthcare Sector Paperless [Infographic]

by | Published on Jul 1, 2019 | Infographics

The healthcare sector has to handle various kinds of paper-based documents such as patient forms, insurance approvals, diagnosis reports, consent forms, and more on a daily basis. These paper-based medical records are difficult to manage and also take up a lot of storage space. Converting paper records into digital files with the help of an experienced medical document scanning company can make them easily retrievable and accessible.

In the United Kingdom, record-keeping in some digital formats has become an accepted practice that falls within the National Health Services’ (NHS) regulatory guidelines, which implies that current paper-record systems may become obsolete and unnecessary. Electronic documentation saves time and space, free ups practice staff, costs, protects patient health information, streamlines patient processes, improves quality of care, enables easy transfer/sharing of files between departments and eliminates risks of misfiling and accidental loss of records. Importantly, document conversion ensures better data protection, and adds benefits to workflow and file management.

Check out the infographic below to learn the steps to go paperless in healthcare:

Key Steps to Make the Healthcare Sector Paperless

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