Top 5 AI Tools For Business

by | Published on Nov 29, 2021 | Business Process Outsourcing

In this digital world, mankind depends on technology for everything. Technology has become apart of human life. New and advanced technologies are being introduced every now and then. The brand-new technology that rules the world right now is Artificial Intelligence or AI. AI is developing day by day and the focus is on converting it into a simpler technology to help people in every field like business, education, writing and so on. For example, a group of young people have developed a robot, incorporating AI, for cleaning sewage to reduce human effort. Likewise, there are certain AI tools which ease the human effort in every area. Business firms, irrespective of their size, can approach a business process outsourcing company to implement AI-integrated solutions and thereby ensure better results.

This blog highlights five best AI tools which can aid business growth:

  • Timely
  • Tamr
  • Digital Genius
  • Intraspexon
  • Conversica
  1. Timely:

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    Timely is an AI tool developed by Norway-based startup company It is a tool which helps people automatically track the time spent on various web and desktop apps.

    It automates company time tracking and timesheet creation. Thus, users can engage in other important work. It has in-built user-level privacy and therefore, business firms choose this tool over others. All kinds of team activities such as payroll, employee performance, project management and wellbeing are managed in this space. It incorporates AI to process recorded data and create timesheet for the team members. It also monitors the employees who work remotely and their condition. This tool also has a feature called ‘project and people” where the user can view the budget spent for their clients while finalizing work priorities for everyone. According to their website, they have more than 5000 customers globally.

  2. Tamr
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    Tamr is a data integration tool which solves problems related to curation of data, and reduces 20% of human effort. It implements Machine Learning (ML) and data analysis. It makes use of a reusable data infrastructure that facilitates the addition of new data sources to find answers, in spite of any data changes. With the help of Tamr, data silos and data variety issues can be determined at an enterprise scale. It also prepares the data for analytics, AI and ML projects. It also plays a key role in connecting data from internal and external resources. Well-known companies which use Tamr are Google, Thermo fisher Scientific, Astra Zeneca, Toyota, Capital One and Blackstone.
  3. Digital Genius
    digital genius
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    Digital Genius is developed as a smart tool by combining AI and Natural Processing Language (NPL). It can perform a computer-driven conversation. That means, it has the ability to develop human-like conversation with customers through phone calls and SMS. The automated language and AI together analyze the questions asked by customers and thus redirects them to the right answers. It helps to improve Customer Service Operations (CSO). This AI tool is much more efficient than existing CSO because it analyzes customer service logs, understands everyday transactions and offers the most appropriate response. This is a paid tool which means that the actions are restricted based on the plans and payments. It automates repetitive processes, understands customer objectives, and thereby ensures customer satisfaction. It helps the business to improve customer service and enables the customer service team to be more productive.
  4. Intraspexion
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    A patented early warning system to predict internal litigation risks, Intraspexion helps to give an early warning to corporate counsel regarding interior threats in real time. This helps prevent threats and legal risks and reduce the annual legal expenses. This software system uses a Deep Learning artificial intelligence algorithm. Early warnings are provided regarding dissatisfied customers or advertisers, negative press reports, and so on.

    It scans emails on a regular basis and flags as red those that need further review to identify legal risk. This tool makes use of printed software to identify threats of interest as well as those of litigation such as employee discrimination, risk of uncertainties in medical diagnosis, and hate speech among others. AI-powered models are used to analyze text, even those in emails and images. The software doesn’t monitor the firm’s employees.

    According to the National Legal Journal, Intraspexion is considered as a ‘Legal AI Leader’.

  5. Conversica
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    This AI tool is designed exclusively for the sales team of a company. It is a virtual sales assistant designed to increase sales leads. It helps the sales or marketing team to concentrate on selling and closing deals. Conversica can connect multiple leads in a given time duration through automated two-way email conversations. One of the best tools to identify your most qualified sales opportunities quickly, Conversica also provides higher conversion by considering hundred percent coverage of lead engagement. It transforms the way to approach lead follow-up, and streamlines the focus of the sales development team. Businesses can use Conversica to engage their customers and prospects in authentic conversations via email or SMS, and generate leads.

Technology plays a major role in the present world, which we can’t deny. It is in a state of constant advancement. The latest growing technology is AI and some of the significant AI tools which help in the growth of the business are mentioned above. Other tools which help in business growth are Textio, Gluru, Quill, Recorded Future, and DataRPM. As one of the leading document conversion companies assisting diverse businesses, we understand the important role of artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions in the modern world. In the future, we can expect the arrival of new and improved tools and technologies in this digital paradise.

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